Thursday, May 4, 2017

Vision: The Multiplying Church

4/30/2017 - Vision: The Multiplying Church

Acts 1
The story of the early church is one of joining with Jesus, by the power and leading of His Holy Spirit, in His ministry of restoring the world to Himself.  The church in that day spread the Good News of God’s redemptive work and love to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and beyond.  So too, we as the church nearly 2000 years later get to join with Jesus, and each other, in being witnesses of this Good News to each other and those around us. 

In Acts 1, we read of Jesus’ encounter with His apostles after His death on the cross for the sins of the world and His resurrection from the grave.  Jesus made clear to His apostles that one day God’s promise of restoring the whole world would be fully accomplished, but in the meantime they would be able to join in His work by “becoming His witnesses” in their immediate community of Jerusalem, then to other communities around them in Judea and Samaria and ultimately, “to the end of the earth.”In order to join with Jesus in this ministry, the apostles would need some things along the way to empower them (the Holy Spirit), to encourage and support each other (the church collectively), and to protect the mission and truth of Jesus as the church grew (church leadership).

At Colossae, we hold true to this same pattern.  Multiplication of disciples, communities and churches is part of God’s plan of restoring the world through Jesus.  It is necessary and healthy.  As Colossae has multiplied from a small house church to several communities and now to multiple congregations, structural changes to support this growth have been signs of progress, health and continued commitment to join with Jesus in the spread of His Good News.

In order to do this, it has been helpful to keep certain things centralized.  Congregations in Tigard, Hillsboro and Sherwood share a unified team of lay elders (volunteer, unpaid leadership) charged with protecting the mission and truth of Jesus and oversee a unified budget for the congregations.  Although they share a unified budget, it is noteworthy that all three congregations are self-sustaining.  

The goal, though, is to keep growing by staying small.  The church is composed of people in diverse stages of their faith, unique gifts and passions, and in different parts of our city.  Just as the church in the book of Acts spread to surrounding areas as a result of persecution and ultimately formed local congregations, we want to multiply throughout Portland and its western suburban communities.  We aim to do this by multiplying disciples, communities and ultimately congregations that bear witness to each other and our neighbors the Good News of Jesus.  All of this is in response to God’s love expressed to us through Jesus and only by His grace and the power of His Holy Spirit that now lives in us as the church.

1. Why is it so important to maintain intimate, personal relationships and communities even as Colossae grows (to grow by staying small)? 
2. How can we as a diverse group of people support, serve and encourage one another better in a more intimate setting
3. What can we learn from the early church about growing as disciples, communities and congregations the bear witness to Jesus and His Good News?


“Thank you for restoring hope and demonstrating Your love through Jesus.  Please give me the grace and power to join with You and Your church in sharing Your Good News.”

Contributed by Derek Glos

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