
Colossae Church is a gospel-centered community.  Every community is centered on something, by saying we are a "gospel-centered" community simply means we are seeking to know, love, enjoy and proclaim Jesus.  If you want to see more about our church, please check out our website where you can read more about us or watch some short videos explaining our vision and some of our values.

We are structured around community-groups so if you want to be a part of a community we would recommend starting with one closest to where you live.  To find which one that would be click here.

Here are some additional links you might be interested in:

For more about who we are and how to get involved, click here.
For more about our beliefs, click here.
To contact someone directly, click here.
To listen to messages and get a feel of our gatherings, click here.
For a summary of our community values, click here.