Monday, April 24, 2017

Luke: Grace as We Grow - Luke 9:28-50

Luke: Grace as We Grow

Luke 9:28-50  

 Much like the disciples that Jesus was dealing with in this passage, within the church, we are all in process and we don’t always connect the dots in everything Jesus said.  The disciples gave up everything to follow Jesus, they were in Jesus core circle of influence and while they had Jesus right in front of them, they still didn’t get who Jesus was and what he was about. When this happens, Jesus doesn’t ditch them or tell them to leave, but continues on his mission.

In Luke 9:28, Jesus is having a conversation with Moses and Elijah in a way that shows the natural and supernatural interacting in an extraordinary way.  Today we can see that this meeting represented the past and present mission of God coming together in the fulfillment of Jesus road to Jerusalem and death on the cross but it wasn’t that obvious to Peter.  As they were leaving, the astounded Peter wanted to savor the moment and set up camp for a while.  But God, kind of interrupts him and says, “This is my son, my Chosen One, listen to him.”  You’re out of your element Peter, refocus.  Sometime we may mystify the disciples and think they were superhuman because they sacrificed so much for years…. but in their process there is much they did not get.  In the same way, we need to realize that while we may know Jesus well, we still don’t understand all of his ways.

After this event, one can see how Jesus may have been getting a little frustrating with His disciples.  They don’t understand who Jesus really is and what is going to happen!  Jesus says, “Let these words SINK IN to your ears. The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men.”  What was happening was all right in front of their faces, but it didn't mean that they saw it.  Like pushing on a door that says pull, there are often things that are right in front of our faces, but we don’t see it.  In fact, right after he makes this statement, they start arguing about who’s gonna be in charge when he’s gone! They aren’t putting the pieces together that the kingdom of God is not about them.

As we relate to the disciples in these instances, it’s important to remember that in the church, we’re all in a process of getting to know Him.   God is working through all kinds of different people and channels and we’re a part of that – but only a part.  We need to remember that while we are not going to understand some things He is doing, it does not mean we’re not growing or not being faithful.  If you don’t understand Jesus in some ways, join the club.  It’s healthy to have a holy restlessness in our lives - that’s normal - in recognizing that some things are not as they should be. If you notice that you have a little ways to go, find some people here that you can learn from who are a little farther along than you. And thank God for walking with you through your process and ask him to encourage, convict and comfort you along the way.

Questions for Reflection:
1. In what areas of my life am I still in process?
2. What are some parts of scripture that just don’t make sense? (talk about them)
3. What about this passage makes you think deeper about who Jesus is and what he’s about?

Prayer: “God, I’m in process would you continue to form me into your likeness.”

Contributed by Sky Cady

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